Thursday, September 6, 2018

Best and Worst of the Mantario Trail

We are going to start up a new type of series called "Best and Worst of ...". Here we're going to give the top 3 Best and Worst things about our most recent backpacking trip. We will only be doing one of these per overnight trip, so the normal posts should still come much more often.

#1 Best Part of the Mantario Trail - Marion Lake Campsite

As mentioned in our posts about our July long weekend hike, and as will be mentioned more in our posts about our full Mantario through hike, Marion Lake campsite is just the best. There is easily enough room for 12 tents to be comfortable, and probably up to 20 if people cooperate and squish them together. The water is the best tasting on the trail and very clear. The bear box and latrine are centrally located, easy to find, and pretty convenient. There are three metal fire pits and a picnic table. It is easily the best supported camp site on the trail.

#2 Best Part of the Mantario Trail - The views between Moosehead Lake and Mantario Lake

This section of trail was the most rugged over all, requiring a lot of effort on our part due to the constant elevation changes. But with elevation comes views, and the lookouts over the lakes and surrounding area are amazing for this 8 km section of the trail.

#3 Best Part of the Mantario Trail - Sunrises and Sunsets

We experienced some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets to date in our travels. The trees, lakes, and rocks make for both wonderful colors and shadows as the sun comes and goes fro the day.

#1 Worst Part of the Mantario Trail - Wasps and Hornets

We had some really bad luck. About 100m before Marion Lake a hornet nest was on the trail. Roslyn was leading and as she walked past it and was saying she saw it, I managed to step on it. A 100m sprint and 12 stings later and I was at camp. I had also been stung earlier in the day by a hornet, so they just seemed out to get me.

It didn't stop on day 1 though. On day 2 Tyler and I were both stung one as we were walking along the trail minding our own business, this time by wasps.

Then about 1 km from the end of the trail, Roslyn stepped on wasp nest. Once again 100m sprint and 8 stings later we were catching our breath and ready to get to the vehicle.

#2 Worst Part of the Mantario Trail - Lack of Latrines at "major" camp sites

On the trail, the notable sites that didn't have latrines were Caribou East and Hemmenway. We didn't stay at Caribou East this trip but we did stay at Hemmen way. This isn't a huge deal but the convenience of a privy can't be overstated.

#3 Worst Part of the Mantario - The Elevation Grind

The elevation changes are both one of the best and worst parts of the trail. However it does eventually start to drag on your as you go up and down, and up and down, and up and down. All in all its a part of hiking and backpacking, but be aware that it can get old when you can't really open up and hike at speed for a while.

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