Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Musings About the Trail

Right now, I am sitting here wanting to talk more about being on trail in general than reviewing a specific one we've been on. I think this is because we simply went camping instead of hiking on the weekend, and the act of driving a car into a campsite and setting up a tent leaves something to be desired. The weekend was still great though, what we lacked in hiking we made up for in hanging out with the large group of friends that came for the weekend.

If you look on our side bar you can see that so far Roslyn and I have covered 234.4 km of trail. We walked an additional 134 km in Germany during our two weeks that we aren't counting. And I estimate another 60-80 km of small 2-4 km walks in the city during our weeknights off going to get ice cream, Tim Horton's or just to walk. Currently, we want to hit 300 km by the end of Labour Day long weekend and 400 km before the snow gets to deep to walk sometime in November.

I want to elaborate on a bit of the above paragraph, the "just to walk" bit. Roslyn and I have put on more kilometers that we though possible so far, setting stretch goals for ourselves and trying to find a way to meet them. In May, 100 km seemed like a daunting goal. In June 200 km seemed just as bad. In July we didn't expect to walk 134 km in Germany and not really care about the sore feet. In August, now, 300 km seems doable, but the Mantario is going to be a trial for us as our first 4 day hike. In all honesty, 400 km by snowfall is seeming like a fairly relaxed goal, assuming the Mantario goes well.

We met the goals by just getting out and walking, as daunting as the hiking and camping seemed. We've learned a fair bit and become quite a bit more comfortable with the idea of living outdoors along the way. I would say our self confidence has benefited greatly. But there was no secret formula, no rigorous training regimen, nothing special that needed to be done to accomplish this.

For those of you out there who think that the idea of backpacking or hiking is too extreme for you to try even though you like the idea of it, I just want to tell you that you can do it. Just start by walking 4 km in a park once a week, then twice a week, then 10 km at a time, and just walk more and more. As you walk more, you will want to walk more. Roslyn and I are restless quite a bit, wanting to move and be out on the trail instead of in the office. Hence, the weeknight walks in the city.

All I can really say after all that is, have fun on trail.

P.S - I am going to be posting Tuesdays and Thursday from now on. Posting on Mondays was not convenient for our schedule.

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